Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
End of the world...
Tonight I realized I absolutely can NOT watch movies like 2012! I saw this movie tonight and even as cheesy as it was, became terrified. YES terrified! My overactive imagination was thrown into overdrive.
I started thinking about all the different "end of the world" movies I have seen and how plausible they all are. Now all I keep thinking about is if I had some unreleased information about the world coming to end what would I do with it? Would I tell as many people as I can? Would I just tell my Family? Friends? Would I survive? If I survived would anyone I know survive with me?
Too many questions, too many thoughts. I think I need to stop watching movies like this. It weighs too heavily on my mind. Well enough of the crazy thoughts. I'm gonna have bad dreams tonight. Maybe tomorrow I'll watch a nice family movie.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training
My Aunt is raising money as a member of the the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team in Training. Please check out her website. My Mom (her sister) died of Lymphoma in 1991. If you can help, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Last night I posted this on Facebook :
There comes a time in your life when you realize you have to stop making time for the people who don't make time for you.
Tonight I posted it on Twitter. The reason I posted it last night was because I have a friend who is always lagging on me. We make plans and at the last minute she always breaks them. Every time I feel disappointed, sad, hurt, even a little self-pity. I got to thinking why I keep this person in my life. They obviously don't cherish our friendship the same way I do. I started thinking about how many time we've hung out over the last year and how many of those times I initiated the hanging out. My Dad always tells me, "The phone work's both ways." That kept running through my head when last night. Why is it I'm the one always initiating the conversation. I don't claim to be a busy person who's time is valuable, but when I set aside time for someone, I expect them to follow through.
After posting my thoughts on Facebook, I received quite a lot of comments about other people feeling the same way. I was actually surprised at how many people commented. That is why I posted it on Twitter tonight. Again, other people have felt the same way.
I know some of you are wondering why I didn't just tell this person how I felt. I guess I prefer to drop subtle hints in hopes they would figure it out. She did. She said she hadn't even realized.
Some people you can be forward with, some need hints, some just don't care. I guess the hard part is determining which friend you're dealing with.
You only quarrel with those you love. Those you don't love, well, it's just not worth the effort...
I'm not sure where this quote came from, but to me it's fitting because sometimes, "it's just not worth the effort."
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Thinking Blonde has a new contest!!
Check out this cool contest on The Thinking Blonde's Blog!! She recently reviewed some baking dishes from Le Creuset Bakeware! You have a chance to win some of your own!! Check out the link!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
June 11, 1991
It’s been 19 years. It was a Tuesday morning when I found out. I remember I was sleeping in my parents bed with my Dad. I can’t remember if my brother was there or not. I remember the phone ringing in the middle of the night. I think my Aunt Josephine called. My Dad was quick on the phone. I popped up ready for the news…the good news of course. She Died. That was it. Life was never the same.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Some men... they make it hard for the rest.
Today I was witness to some childish, ridiculous behavior. A friend of mine had been "talking" to a guy she "met" on Twitter. Now correct me if I'm wrong, talking is just that...talking. Talking to each other to find out if you have anything in common. Talking to see if you are compatible. Talking even as just friends. Now as far as I know, it was established they were just friends. He took her to lunch a few times, but he also stood her up a few times. Granted his excuses were plausible, they were nevertheless excuses. I'm not exactly sure how long this went on, but it couldn't have been more than two months. Well today she finally told him she only wanted to be friends. So instead of acting like a mature adult, what did he do? He attacked her via text and twitter. Instead of just saying, "You know I'm sorry thing's didn't work out, let's just be friends," he made fun of her appearance, her attitude, even her ethnicity. C'mon are you serious? Is that all you have? Wow what a winner ladies!! He's definitely a keeper. Then via twitter he talk's about her some more. Granted he didn't "name" her, he was pretty specific as to whom he was referring to. He made several off color comments that surprised even me. He even went so far as to say Laci deserved what Scott did to her (referring to Scott Peterson.) Wow! This guy must be joking. Nope, he was dead serious. Anger, hurt, resentfulness is no reason to lash out at someone for not being interested in them, and NO reason to make it public! You take it and move on. I mean seriously it wasn't even a relationship. At least she got rid of this loser now rather than later. Just think how much worse it could have been.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Wanted: A good man. A single, intelligent, funny, attractive, straight, strong, stable, trustworthy, nice man. Is this so hard to find???
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What am I doing?!
Most people who know me will say that I am very spontaneous. I like to do things at the drop of a dime. I'm a get up and go kinda girl. I have always had the luxury of doing this. It's always been fun, but lately I've been finding my bright ideas aren't so bright anymore. I think quickly and act more quickly. I'm impulsive.
Road trip at 12 am? Sure thing, who's driving... oh me? Camping on the beach on a Tuesday... "I'll bring the s'mores!"
I never used to question anything I did. Now that I am getting older... I'm starting to think about things more. It seems like lately all I keep asking myself is "What am I doing?!"
Road trip at 12 am? Sure thing, who's driving... oh me? Camping on the beach on a Tuesday... "I'll bring the s'mores!"
I never used to question anything I did. Now that I am getting older... I'm starting to think about things more. It seems like lately all I keep asking myself is "What am I doing?!"
Monday, May 17, 2010
The new Muse song 'Neutron Star Collision' (Love Is Forever)
This is the new Muse song that will be featured on the new twilight movie Eclipse.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
♥ Paramore ♥
Last night I had the pleasure of finally seeing Paramore live! &heart; They were absolutely amazing! The concert was in Bakersfield so Erica (@lovekimk) and I drove down that day. Of course we listened to Paramore the entire way down to get us pumped for the show. We met her cousins there (who had been waiting hours before we got there) and cut into line with them. I know I know, yes we are line cutters. The tickets we had were for general admission which meant we were gonna be in the big giant mob on the floor. That was ok though...well ok if I was 6 ft tall. This is one of the only times when I consider myself vertically challenged. I couldn't see over the crowd very well, but at least I had my camera and caught most of it on film. Hearing Hayley sing live was awesome! She really has the best stage presence. They played all my favorite songs and of course I sang at the top of my lungs. This band is well worth seeing and I can't wait to see them again! If you'd like to see video of the show, check out my YouTube channel and enjoy!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Concert review (sort of)
This past Saturday I went to a Heavy Metal show at the Starline. My first... at least that I can remember. I went alone. I know what you're thinking..."You went to a heavy metal show alone!?" None of my friends would go with me, but I really wanted to see a few of Fresno's finest local bands. The local bands I've seen and love are Subdue and Down Word. Another local band Euphoria whom I have not seen was the first to go on. I was really impressed with them. I would definitely like to see them again. When I was told about them, they were compared to Nirvana. I didn't really see the comparison because I thought Euphoria was a lot harder sounding. Down Word came on next. They had a few technical difficulties but they are really fun to watch! They are really a band to watch out for and big things are coming from them! A Band of Orcs was up next. I was really intimated by this band. They are a band thats dressed in full "Orc" regalia. I am not one who likes to be scared and anyone who knows me, knows this. I basically played on my phone while they preformed (sorry) but I was able to hear the music. A little too hard for my liking. Subdue came on next and was awesome. Finally Mary Magdalan came on. They were the headliner. Again they were a little too heavy for my taste, but I really liked that they had a DJ instead of a drummer. The show they put on was worth the wait til end. Over all I had an awesome time checking out these bands and supporting the ones I've seen.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Chicken Enchilada Casserole with Sour Creme | TasteFresno

Chicken Enchilada Casserole with Sour Creme | TasteFresno
Today I was looking for something simple and delicious to make for dinner. Of course I decided to check out a website I love called Taste Fresno. There are tons of recipes to choose from so I started searching by ingredients I had on hand. I found a recipe for a Chicken Enchilada casserole. The pic looked delicious! So I raided my fridge and cupboards and found most of what I needed. I went got the rest for about $10 which is good in my book! The recipe was simple and quick! The best part was that it tastes delicious!! I definitely recommend this dish! Also make sure you check out the Taste Fresno website!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Fresno... I love you!
I'm not originally from Fresno. I came here in 1997 to attend Fresno State and i've been here ever since. I never really cared too much about what's going on around me. At least up until a year ago I didn't. I was in my own little bubble, content doing the same things, knowing the same people, stuck in a world of monotony.
About a year ago, my cousin Joseph introduced me to a whole new(to me) world. He was always out and about. Going all over Fresno, having an awesome time everywhere he went! He is a social butterfly and has no problem meeting people and making friends. I on the other hand take a little longer to open up and let loose. I am getting much better.
I was online checking out local music and found out about 40 Watt Hype (late bus, I know)! To my delight they had a show coming up and I wanted, no i needed to go! Most of my friends are pretty picky about their music and I didn't have anyone to go with. Well Joseph came through! He had seen them before and was totally down to go with me! I had a blast! We had been to a few different events since
So thus it began... my journey into finding out what Fresno has to offer. This January Joseph moved to Berkeley to go to school. Since then I've been all over, trying new stuff, going to all the events I can. I have come to love Fresno and the people of Fresno. Fresno has some really awesome things to offer and the same goes for the people!
About a year ago, my cousin Joseph introduced me to a whole new(to me) world. He was always out and about. Going all over Fresno, having an awesome time everywhere he went! He is a social butterfly and has no problem meeting people and making friends. I on the other hand take a little longer to open up and let loose. I am getting much better.
I was online checking out local music and found out about 40 Watt Hype (late bus, I know)! To my delight they had a show coming up and I wanted, no i needed to go! Most of my friends are pretty picky about their music and I didn't have anyone to go with. Well Joseph came through! He had seen them before and was totally down to go with me! I had a blast! We had been to a few different events since
So thus it began... my journey into finding out what Fresno has to offer. This January Joseph moved to Berkeley to go to school. Since then I've been all over, trying new stuff, going to all the events I can. I have come to love Fresno and the people of Fresno. Fresno has some really awesome things to offer and the same goes for the people!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Facebook fail...LMAO

This seriously makes me laugh every time I see it! How can people be so stupid?! Nevermind. This just showed me. I've seen this posted on just about every epic fail site I found. It's funny because one of my friends was asking our boss if she could add him on Facebook. He respectfully said no. She was like I don't understand why. HAHA! This is why!! If we're having a bad day of course we're gonna talk about it! Twitter, Facebook, Myspace (wait, does anyone still use Myspace?), anywhere and everywhere we're gonna post it. Well I am anyway. This post seriously made LOL. Gotta love it!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
It's funny...
Today I had the day was a beautiful day outside so what did I do? I stayed inside and played on the computer. What a nerd. I basically spent the better part of my day searching Fresno's twitter pages, looking up blogs, and trying to become more informed with what's going on in Fresno. I recently read a post on the Fresno Beehive and thought "Hey that's me!!" It wasn't me, but I had felt like that a few times myself. I thank Twitter for introducing me to some pretty cool people, music, and just about anything else Fresno has to offer. Although I'm not in anyone's "in crowd" I still jump from social circle to social circle and see what's going on. I'm not from Fresno originally and trying to find things to do... things the "locals" do had been hard. I'm starting to embrace this city for all it has to offer. What's there to do for a single 30 year old?
Concert time again
Its that time again. An end of Winter/Spring season full of amazing music and rockin' concerts!
In less than two weeks I will be headed to San Diego to see The Material. Two nights of The Material! I have become enamored with their music. From the music to the vocals, everything about them is amazing. Lyrically their music touches me in so many ways. They are currently unsigned which I just can't comprehend because they are THAT good! If you don't believe me, check them out for yourself. Follow them on TWITTER @TheMaterial and
In mid-May I have another busy month of road tripping it to So Cal for concerts. First off there's Paramore. They are going to be playing in Bakersfield, which isn't quite So Cal but close enough. I'm looking forward to hearing their old hits from the Riot! album. The new album Brand New Eyes is a good album too. It was produced by the same guy who did my favorite Green Day Album Dookie. Off the new album the songs I'm looking most forward to hearing are Brick by Boring Brick, Playing God, Ignorance, Careful, and Decode (for my Twilight fix).
At the end of May I will be traveling to San Diego, yet again, to see Cobra Starship. I love their music! I don't even know how to categorize them. They don't seem to fit into any one category. I can listen to their ¡Viva la Cobra! over and over. The same has become true with Hot Mess, their latest album. Usually my criteria for purchasing an album is liking at least five songs. They far surpass that minimum. In October I saw Cobra in San Francisco. They were amazing live! I ended up buying tons of merch to sport them everywhere. Check them out if you haven't already.
Locally I have really started favoring one band in particular. A band called Down Word. Their twitter page describes them as an "Alternative rock/hip-hop hybrid." I can't remember exactly how I started listening to their music, but I found a video on their myspace that sealed the deal. Last Fall was the first time I got to see them play live. Their live show is awesome! I don't know them personally, but I've seen them around before and after the show... it's like Beyonce and Sasha Fierce. The lead singer especially. He seems all quite and unassuming, but when he hits the stage it's like wow that's the same guy. Their stage presence is ridiculously impressive. I have now seen them a few times live and can't wait until the next time. Each show impresses me more and each show I try and bring new people with me so they can experience them. They have new music out now and keep coming up with new stuff. I look forward to their album release sometime in April. CHECK THEM OUT!! Follow them on TWITTER @DownWord Also check their myspace for show dates although you'll probably see me tweet about them. and
In less than two weeks I will be headed to San Diego to see The Material. Two nights of The Material! I have become enamored with their music. From the music to the vocals, everything about them is amazing. Lyrically their music touches me in so many ways. They are currently unsigned which I just can't comprehend because they are THAT good! If you don't believe me, check them out for yourself. Follow them on TWITTER @TheMaterial and
In mid-May I have another busy month of road tripping it to So Cal for concerts. First off there's Paramore. They are going to be playing in Bakersfield, which isn't quite So Cal but close enough. I'm looking forward to hearing their old hits from the Riot! album. The new album Brand New Eyes is a good album too. It was produced by the same guy who did my favorite Green Day Album Dookie. Off the new album the songs I'm looking most forward to hearing are Brick by Boring Brick, Playing God, Ignorance, Careful, and Decode (for my Twilight fix).
At the end of May I will be traveling to San Diego, yet again, to see Cobra Starship. I love their music! I don't even know how to categorize them. They don't seem to fit into any one category. I can listen to their ¡Viva la Cobra! over and over. The same has become true with Hot Mess, their latest album. Usually my criteria for purchasing an album is liking at least five songs. They far surpass that minimum. In October I saw Cobra in San Francisco. They were amazing live! I ended up buying tons of merch to sport them everywhere. Check them out if you haven't already.
Locally I have really started favoring one band in particular. A band called Down Word. Their twitter page describes them as an "Alternative rock/hip-hop hybrid." I can't remember exactly how I started listening to their music, but I found a video on their myspace that sealed the deal. Last Fall was the first time I got to see them play live. Their live show is awesome! I don't know them personally, but I've seen them around before and after the show... it's like Beyonce and Sasha Fierce. The lead singer especially. He seems all quite and unassuming, but when he hits the stage it's like wow that's the same guy. Their stage presence is ridiculously impressive. I have now seen them a few times live and can't wait until the next time. Each show impresses me more and each show I try and bring new people with me so they can experience them. They have new music out now and keep coming up with new stuff. I look forward to their album release sometime in April. CHECK THEM OUT!! Follow them on TWITTER @DownWord Also check their myspace for show dates although you'll probably see me tweet about them. and
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
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