Friday, September 18, 2009
Blink 182 Concert
I know this is a little late. On Monday I went and saw Blink 182. I have been a fan of them since they're first or second album (Pre-Travis Barker). I remember when I went go their CD, The Dude Ranch. I played that CD over and over. Dammit was favorite as with most people. I was never able to see them in concert back then so imagine my surprise when they reunited. I wasn't sure if I should see them or not. In fact I even tweeted about it to see what other people thought. GO was the response from most. So I did just that. I'm so glad I was able to go. This was one of the BEST concerts I've ever been to. I had an awesome time! Travis, Tom and Mark rocked it!! They sang and performed their hearts out! All the past hits came out that night! Their encore was ridiculously good! Travis was air lifted above the stage all the while playing his drums. He was being tipped and turned, spinning above us...never missing a beat! He was Awesome! I was in awe of how freakin good he was. Then Tom and Mark came out...and of course they sang Dammit. I sang with them at the top of my lungs!! It was an amazing experience! obsession
So you've all probably heard this before..."ever since I was a little girl I've been obsessed with Vampires"...but here it is again. Every book I could find, every movies I could watch, every TV show... I was totally consumed by vampire culture. I'm actually surprised my Dad didn't trip out. I'm sure he was just happy I was reading. The only show I never really got into was Buffy the Vampire Slayer...not quite sure why. Ive seen a few episodes and the guy with white hair was HOT, but still I never got into it.
My favorites were The Lost Boys, Interview with a Vampire, Underworld, Blade ...The TV series Forever Knight and Kindred the embraced...My favorite books back then were the Vampire Diaries which I would read over and over...all 4 books in the series. Then more recently there was Twilight. The books were just as addicting as the LJ Smith books. I couldn't put them down and in fact read all four books within 3 days time. Then just recently the CW came out with a TV show based on the Vampire Diaries books!! Could you believe it?! My favorite books as a kid were finally going to made into a show!! I used to write in my journal about who I would cast to play them in the movie.
My brother to this day still makes fun of me for my simple obsession. At first it used to really bother me, but now I just blow him off. I mean it's not like I talk about his WOW obsession or anything. :)
I guess you can say my obsession also includes witches. Not in the devil worship sense. I'm talking good witches. Again reading LJ Smith's books The Secret Circle and watching movies like The Craft. They've made me a fan of the supernatural world. I'm always looking for that next book, movie, or anything else....any sugguestions??
My favorites were The Lost Boys, Interview with a Vampire, Underworld, Blade ...The TV series Forever Knight and Kindred the embraced...My favorite books back then were the Vampire Diaries which I would read over and over...all 4 books in the series. Then more recently there was Twilight. The books were just as addicting as the LJ Smith books. I couldn't put them down and in fact read all four books within 3 days time. Then just recently the CW came out with a TV show based on the Vampire Diaries books!! Could you believe it?! My favorite books as a kid were finally going to made into a show!! I used to write in my journal about who I would cast to play them in the movie.
My brother to this day still makes fun of me for my simple obsession. At first it used to really bother me, but now I just blow him off. I mean it's not like I talk about his WOW obsession or anything. :)
I guess you can say my obsession also includes witches. Not in the devil worship sense. I'm talking good witches. Again reading LJ Smith's books The Secret Circle and watching movies like The Craft. They've made me a fan of the supernatural world. I'm always looking for that next book, movie, or anything else....any sugguestions??
Monday, September 7, 2009
"I hope they serve beer in hell"

Today I was at my cousin's house and found a book sitting on his bookcase...looked new. The title caught my eye "I hope they serve beer in hell" by Tucker Max. I asked him what it was about and he said his friend bought it for him because the main character reminded him of my cousin. So of course I have to pick it up and start reading. Now the main guy describes himself as pretty much an ass hole. Well I should have immediately been offended right? Not me..I'm intrigued now. How much of an ass hole could this guy really be?? So I start reading the book. Meanwhile my cousin is Jammin away...which is the reason I was there in the first place..but anyway. I start reading the first chapter and could not stop laughing hysterically. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Now if this book was meant for men...I dunno...I thought it was funny. How much stuff could actually happen to one person. This guy was awesome! Now morally I should be appalled at some of the things he did, but well I'm human and I find humor in most things. Anyway if you're looking for a book to make you laugh. Check out "I hope they serve beer in hell" by Tucker Max. He also has a website Oh yea and I should warn you, some of the stories are raunchy and vulgar. Enjoy!
Saosin ~ New album comes out tomorrow!
THis is the video of the listening party in Newport Beach. They played old song and new...all acoustic!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
What's on my iPod
I recently graduated to a new phone. A phone that does it least better than my last one. Well now I run into the problem of where to put all my music. I still have my old iPod and I love her...but now I have my iPhone which in itself is an iPod. I have about 700 songs on my old faithful so trying to decide which songs to put on my phone...!! Well I have to put my favorites : Paramore, Muse, The Cure, 30 Seconds to Mars, Taylor Swift, Russell Michael, Pink, the Killers, Saosin, Depeche Mode,.... the list goes on... but c'mon theres some groups/singers that you just can't live without. Add in some classical...Pachelbel..some country Sugarland, some CCR, Journey, and cant forget the old stuff... some Teddy P and Marvin. Oh wait my 80's... Lisa Lisa, A-ha, ohh the list goes on. I think I have a pretty eclectic taste in music. I'm addicted to music...all kinds. I'll listen to just about any genre once. Twice just to make sure. Maybe I'll like it, maybe I won't, but at least I'll give it a listen. Any suggestions on what to listen out for? Just ask and I'll fill you in more in depth on my world of music.
Girls (women) and their drama
It really surprises me when you get a group of women together there usually tends to be some drama. Now what is drama to you. I found this definition on " a situation that is exciting or highly emotional." I think this is pretty close to the way I am using the word. Is it acting? Maybe. I guess it depends on who you're talking about.
Men if you have no clue what I'm taking about just take a look around you... its everywhere. Women I KNOW you know what I'm taking about. Whats crazy is the women who stoop down to a level you wouldn't ever think...and then another stoops lower and then lower and it becomes and ugly cycle.
Let me take a previous work place. There were probably about 25 girls working there, maybe more. On any given day we could all get along just fine. The next day...we could all be each others worst enemies. Its really hard to understand. Maybe it's a competition thing. Maybe it's jealousy. Maybe it's because we have nothing better to do. I really don't know. The crazy thing is all it takes is ONE person. One rotten apple to start poisoning the minds of other people. I think that may be the cause of their own insecurity. Whatever the reason, drama is like wildfire. Once it starts to spread, it spreads quickly and thoroughly. This is very frustrating. This may be why I have more guy friends then girl friends.
I'm a pretty laid back person. Don't get me wrong I have my moments too, but seriously is really THAT important to be the cause of drama. I know the answer. Their lives must be pretty boring normally and they need to CREATE drama in order to make themselves happy. I solved it. I'm a genius.
Who really knows why these women act like immature girls. At least it gives me something to blog about. Always a bright side in a negative situation. Well if anyone else figures out the reason for women and drama...let me know...We need to take a stand ;) Just say no to drama. Don't worry I won't be blogging about crap like this too often... I was just reminded of drama a few days ago and I loathe her.
Men if you have no clue what I'm taking about just take a look around you... its everywhere. Women I KNOW you know what I'm taking about. Whats crazy is the women who stoop down to a level you wouldn't ever think...and then another stoops lower and then lower and it becomes and ugly cycle.
Let me take a previous work place. There were probably about 25 girls working there, maybe more. On any given day we could all get along just fine. The next day...we could all be each others worst enemies. Its really hard to understand. Maybe it's a competition thing. Maybe it's jealousy. Maybe it's because we have nothing better to do. I really don't know. The crazy thing is all it takes is ONE person. One rotten apple to start poisoning the minds of other people. I think that may be the cause of their own insecurity. Whatever the reason, drama is like wildfire. Once it starts to spread, it spreads quickly and thoroughly. This is very frustrating. This may be why I have more guy friends then girl friends.
I'm a pretty laid back person. Don't get me wrong I have my moments too, but seriously is really THAT important to be the cause of drama. I know the answer. Their lives must be pretty boring normally and they need to CREATE drama in order to make themselves happy. I solved it. I'm a genius.
Who really knows why these women act like immature girls. At least it gives me something to blog about. Always a bright side in a negative situation. Well if anyone else figures out the reason for women and drama...let me know...We need to take a stand ;) Just say no to drama. Don't worry I won't be blogging about crap like this too often... I was just reminded of drama a few days ago and I loathe her.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Marleau ...(pronounced Marlow) was named after my favorite hockey player Patrick Marleau. Marleau is a little puppy I rescued on Feb 1 2008. He was severely infested with fleas and ticks. The poor little puppy was the cutest guy ever and I couldn't help but take him home and love him.
He was a ball full of energy from the moment I got him. I thought maybe he was just being a puppy and once I got him "fixed" he's be a little calmer. Boy was I wrong! He got even MORE energetic. I would take him on walks/runs to try and get him to become tired and wind down...didn't work. In fact we'd come home and he'd still want to play. He was never a lap dog...being so cute and small I figured he would have been.
When I first got him I live in a studio apartment with no yard. It was cramped but he seemed happy. About 6 months after I got him we moved into a 1 bedroom duplex with a nice yard. With my schedule it got harder and harder for me to spend time with him.
I made the decision last month to adopt him out. Although he has been my baby I just couldn't offer him the life he deserved to have. I know this may sound cruel or stupid to some of you, but who really cares. My old boss's son has been looking for a partner for his dog Maddox. Marleau and Maddox? How perfect is that. After seeing Maddox who is the spitting image of Marleau almost..he's completely white, I knew it was meant to be. Maddox was as spoiled as can be and I could only hope Marleau would be as well.
So two nights go they came to pick up Marleau...I was crushed, but I knew he would be happier. He'd have a friend and TWO loving parents to watch and take care of him. They did offer to send me pics and let me visit. I may take them up on that, but until then I can only think how awesome a dog he
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
So recently I have become slightly obsessed with Twitter. I'm sure whoever is reading this ALSO has a twitter account so you probably understand my simple addiction. I am starting this blog mainly because my cousins have blogs and well when in Rome... :) Seriously though, sometimes 140 characters just isn't enough space to write all my rants and raves. SO here it first attempt at a blog. Hopefully I can keep it up. Also, follow me on twitter at
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